

Our ISA agronomy team is working with many of the excellent researchers across Illinois to address your production challenges through checkoff-funded soybean production research projects. Here we give you a more personal view of the researchers behind the projects. Get to know them, and feel free to connect with them if you want to learn more about their research.

Fred Below
Fred Below
Crop Physiology
Jason Bond
Jason Bond
Pathogen and Disease Management
Kaiyu Guan
Kaiyu Guan
Remote Sensing, Modeling, Forecasting
Aaron Hager
Aaron Hager
Weed Management
Nathan Johanning
Nathan Johanning
Conservation Practices, Weed Management
Darin Joos
Darin Joos
Plant Breeding, Agronomy
Andrew Margenot
Andrew Margenot
Soil Health, Conservation Practices
Eliana Monteverde
Eliana Monteverde
Breeding and Genetics
Jay Nair
Jay Nair
Beef Cattle Nutrition, Forage Production
Bin Peng
Bin Peng
Water Quality, Remote Sensing, Modeling
Giovani Preza Fontes
Giovani Preza Fontes
Jessica Rutkoski
Jessica Rutkoski
Breeding and Genetics
Daniel Schaefer
Daniel Schaefer
Nutrient Management
Nathan Schroeder
Nathan Schroeder
Plant Pathology, Nematology
Nicholas Seiter
Nicholas Seiter
Insect Pest Management
Connor N. Sible
Connor N. Sible
Crop Physiology, Agronomy

Are you a farmer or advisor?

If you’re a farmer or advisor, we invite you to take our Soybean Production Concerns Survey linked below to help guide future ISA research efforts. We also encourage you to contact us below with specific production challenge research ideas.

Are you a researcher?

If you’re a researcher interested in working with ISA on a project, we encourage you to contact us with your ideas. The RFP will open in early March. Contact us below to be added to the mailing list for more information.