Nutrient Management

Sufficient Level of Available Nutrients (SLAN) versus Build Maintain Fertility Programs

It can be argued that SLAN and Build/Maintain can be similar in some ways, both making an application of fertilizer to keep soil test levels where they are and feed the crop to be grown. However, SLAN is geared more towards achieving a fertility level where maximum yield can be obtained in that year where Build/Maintain is trying to keep the soil test levels from dropping.

By |March 16, 2023|

NREC Investment Insights LIVE Recap

Since 2012, Illinois farmers and retailers have invested over $30 million into nutrient efficiency research and this annual event is an opportunity for the researchers to share their findings and pass along the best management practices that have been identified or refined through the process.

By |February 10, 2023|

Practical Methods for Using Tissue Nutrient Analysis Results

We are just past the summer solstice and per the “crop” calendar, halfway through the year already. One activity that is often overlooked at this point in the year is evaluating the fertility programs’ performance and making adjustments, also known as tissue sampling.  The GI/GO Principle applies: The only way to receive good and usable results is to send in the correct tissue for the growth stage of the crop. I won’t go too deep into the procedure, but I will say that it does follow the GI/GO rule, Garbage in = Garbage out. Here’s a good resource that outlines [...]

By |July 26, 2021|

The Hidden World Beneath Your Feet

At first glance, soil looks rather uninteresting. It might be brown, red, gray, white, or other colors depending on organic matter content and mineral characteristics, pieces of crop residue may be present, and if you are lucky, you might also see an earthworm. Have you considered, however, that each teaspoon of soil contains billions of bacteria and countless other microscopic organisms? This world, hidden in plain sight, influences many aspects of soil productivity, nutrient cycling, and crop yields. Let’s dive in and take a look! Farmers and gardeners have long recognized that healthy, productive soil is the foundation of [...]

By |July 22, 2021|

Tissue Sampling Considerations for Higher Yields

In many parts of the state, soybean fields are planted and ready to start growing. I can sense the genetic potential of the 2021 soybean crop. A soybean plant actively absorbs nutrients and moisture as it grows and develops new plant parts that advance through its vegetative and reproductive growth stages. As the plant undergoes photosynthesis, develops nodules, develops new root zones, and other activities, it utilizes nutrients. These nutrients are referred to as essential nutrients, because without them a soybean plant cannot grow and develop as needed. When a plant needs more ‘supplies’ (nutrients) and the soil is [...]

By |June 14, 2021|
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