
Dry Soils and Soil-Applied Herbicides

While conditions during much of April were conducive for planting, these same conditions were NOT conducive for good performance of soil-residual herbicides. Read more for Dr. Aaron Hager's update.

By |May 3, 2023|

Burndown Barriers of 2022

Spring is in the air! The grass is greening up, the songbirds are back serenading us, each day is getting longer, the daily temperature is sort of warming up, and snow is changing to rain (for the most part). But that is the problem, isn’t it? Temps are staying lower than average, and the precipitation does not seem to want to stay away for longer than a 48-hour stretch, at best.

By |April 19, 2022|

Cover Crops and Herbicides

I think one of the most overlooked problems with farmers trying cover crops is not paying enough attention to the herbicide program that was used in the cash crop before the cover crop was planted. We, as farmers, spend a great deal of money to control weeds in our cash crop fields. Over the last several years, many “hard” to control weeds like waterhemp and resistant marestail have pushed many of us to use herbicides that have more residual activity or we have to spray “late” rescue treatments to control late escaping weeds. These late applications or more persistent [...]

By |August 6, 2021|

Cultural Change for Row Spacing: Wide vs. Narrow

There is no right way to farm, however, there have been many methods of farming that have been tried and tested. When thinking about weed control, our industry once relied heavily on mechanical control, which eventually lead to major erosion and environmental impact. When glyphosate-tolerant soybeans were introduced to the market, they allowed for less tillage, reducing environmental impact. Over the past 10 years, chemical controls alone have given Mother Nature the opportunity to evolve weed biology. In my areas, mechanical control has started to be reintroduced to the acre, which also reintroduced its environmental impact. It’s now time [...]

By |August 6, 2021|
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