Aaron Hager

Changes to Dicamba-Containing Products Used in Soybean

On February 6, 2024, a federal court in Arizona vacated the labels of three dicamba-containing products used for in-crop broadleaf weed control in dicamba-resistant soybean varieties. Following the Arizona court ruling, EPA issued an order to allow application of existing stocks of these three dicamba-containing products previously registered for application in dicamba-resistant soybean varieties.

By |February 26, 2024|

Waterhemp Seed Collections Needed from Illinois Soybean Fields

To better understand the level of resistance to Group 15 herbicides, Dr. Aaron Hager is seeking waterhemp seed collections from Illinois soybean fields. Results will be used to provide farmers with recommendations on how best to incorporate these herbicides into integrated weed management programs.

By |September 27, 2023|

Survey for Resistance to Group 15 Herbicides in Illinois Waterhemp

To better understand the level of resistance to Group 15 herbicides, Dr. Aaron Hager is seeking waterhemp seed collections from Illinois soybean fields. Results will be used to provide farmers with recommendations on how best to incorporate these herbicides into integrated weed management programs.

By |September 11, 2023|

Dry Soils and Soil-Applied Herbicides

While conditions during much of April were conducive for planting, these same conditions were NOT conducive for good performance of soil-residual herbicides. Read more for Dr. Aaron Hager's update.

By |May 3, 2023|
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