White mold is damaging to soybean yields, specifically in the northern region of Illinois. When present in the soil and weather conditions are cooler at the start of the soybean reproduction phase, this disease infects at or after flowering during high humidity.

Pioneer Field Agronomist and ILSoyAdvisor Soy Envoy Crystal Williams shares critical tips on early identification and proactive measures against this disease. Don’t wait until it’s too late – a one or two fungicide pass system can effectively manage white mold and protect the crop. Learn about row spacing adjustments and selecting resistant varieties to improve protection. Plus, explore the role of cover crops in soybeans against white mold.

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About the Author: Crystal Williams

Crystal Williams was raised on a soybean, corn, wheat, and cattle family farm in LaSalle County. She attended Kansas State University and graduated with a degree in agronomy and a master's in agribusiness. Crystal and her husband Garrett along with their daughter have a small farmette that they’ve transitioned to a “funny farm” with a few cows and chickens. She currently resides in Lee County and serves farmers across Northern Illinois through her job as a Pioneer Field Agronomist. She supports Pioneer Sales Representatives and customers across northeastern Illinois and state line regions. Specifically in her area, she helps customers find avenues to mitigate white mold pressure through recommending alternative management practices. She has worked with farmers across the Midwest for the last 6 years and enjoys assisting farmers in reaching new heights in their operations.

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