Karen Corrigan
Soy Envoy

Karen Corrigan
Soy Envoy


Region 2
05/10/2024, Woodford
Karen Corrigan

Field work is just starting back up after drying enough to spray. I refuse to look at the forecast.

Region 2
04/26/2024, Woodford
Karen Corrigan

It’s raining again. Will take some heat and wind to dry out. Tillage and spraying in the area this week. Some fields planted. South of Bloomington has soybeans up. Farther north they’ve missed the rains and are further along. Wheat looks good in the area.

Region 2
09/15/2023, Woodford
Karen Corrigan

I’ve seen one field of corn in Tazwell County with the end rows taken off. Moisture test in early planted corn in McLean County at 20%. Harvest is slow between Springfield and Jacksonville. Farmers are trying to be patient and allow field drying but it is slow. Many harvesting just enough to stay with drying capacity. Yields 10-30% off normal. Older farmers who have farmed through 1988 are amazed at yields on 10” of rain that mostly came in 2 storms. Input prices for 2024 look better. 2023 will be the first break even year for some younger farmers.

Region 2
09/08/2023, United States
Karen Corrigan

Woodford County, IL is currently not on the drought monitor for the week. Most of the rest of Central IL is abnormally dry.
Combines are rolling about an hour south of here. Some fields gave up on life as opposed to maturing.

Region 2
08/29/2023, McLean and Woodford
Karen Corrigan

Crops in McLean and Woodford County faired better in last week’s heat than other areas. Moisture would be helpful to get through next week’s return of heat.

Crops in areas with less moisture haven’t matured as much as give up on life after the heat. Shanks have weakened, dropping ears, and ceasing grain fill. Black layers showed up in fields unexpectedly.

Region 2
08/18/2023, Woodford
Karen Corrigan

Soybeans have potential. Lots of pods, mostly 3 beans each.
Corn is very variable. You name it- it’s out there. Great ears. Short ears. Normal ears. Unpollinated ears. No ears. Tipped back ears. Next week and the high temperatures are a concern. The corn has been repeatedly stressed. Will it actually reach maturity or just up and die? Probably some of both.

Region 2
08/10/2023, Out of state
Karen Corrigan

Traveled through eastern North Dakota, east central Minnesota and north central Iowa this week. Definitely started where it was the worst and drove to where it was better. North Dakota has the gray shade of death to the corn. Soybeans are ankle to shin high, not a lot of nodes to pull normal yields. Normal yields are 40-50 bushels per acre. More sunflowers around Prosper than I’ve seen in several years. East central Minnesota was greener but very uneven corn fields. Beans were about knee high and with the rain last weekend have some hope. This area went from heading towards preventative plant to planted very quickly this spring. Expecting 30-40 bushels below APH on corn. North central Iowa has had the best looking crop I’ve seen this week. Could use some rain to finish well. Expecting a good crop for corn and beans but not great.

Region 3
08/05/2023, Livingston
Karen Corrigan

Much needed 1.25” of rain this morning. Some soybeans are being sprayed with fungicides and insecticides. Corn spraying is finished for now. Several mornings this week had fog and heavy dew. Will be watching for disease to develop in the corn.

Region 3
07/21/2023, McLean
Karen Corrigan

Crop is moving along. The high temperature next week are going to be tough with no moisture in the forecast. Corn stalks have moved the potassium from the lower nodes towards the ears, weakening stalks.

Region 2
07/14/2023, Woodford
Karen Corrigan

Many corn fields are pollinating in the area. A few of the later planted fields are very uneven.
Soybeans are closing the rows in most fields. Some taller waterhemp above the canopy.
Wheat was harvested this week.