Jim Isermann

Last Minute Cover Crop Termination Tips

Jim Isermann of the Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership provides last-minute tips on cover crop termination, specifically focusing on herbicide-based termination methods. He shares more on herbicide application, termination timing, and cover crop growth stage.

By |April 11, 2024|

Find a Cover Crop Seed Dealer Near You!

The Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership announces the release of the Cover Crop Seed Dealers Directory which shares contact information, geography of service, and a list of available conservation cropping services provided by cover crop seed dealers in Illinois.

By |September 13, 2023|

Cover Crop Species Selection

Even though we commonly hear about farmers being encouraged to plant “cover crops”, cover crops are not one single species or crop. Anyone following the conservation movement has heard of at least a few of the different options available.

By |February 22, 2023|
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