Exciting news! All counties of Illinois cropland are now eligible for 2023 enrollment with the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund® (SWOF)! Farmers enrolled in the program last year earned an average of $34 per acre. If you’re thinking of adding or expanding a conservation practice in your operation, such as reducing your tillage, implementing cover crops, or extending crop rotations, now is the time to enroll your acres. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! Enhance your farm’s financial resiliency through improved soil health.

How Do I Find Out More and Enroll?

Visit theoutcomesfund.com to learn more and enroll. SWOF has a dedicated team of program field reps to help answer questions and guide you through the enrollment process. You can also send questions to contactus@theoutcomesfund.com.

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About the Author: Brogan Schanz

Brogan Schanz is a Field Representative for the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund in Western Iowa and Northern Illinois. He works with farmers to implement practical conservation practices into their farming operations. Brogan also provides support to affiliate recruiters. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Natural Resource Ecosystem Management from Iowa State University. He previously worked in retail agronomy assisting growers with input selection and ensuring their success in the field. Brogan grew up near Amana, Iowa. He currently lives in West Liberty, Iowa with his wife and their two daughters and helps on the operations side of the family farm.

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