Talon Becker 
IL Extension

Talon Becker 
IL Extension


Region 5
07/26/2024, Vermilion
Talon Becker

This week, I went east and surveyed the southern half of Vermilion County. Overall, the corn and soybean crop looked healthy, and soil conditions were near ideal to only mildly wet in most areas. However, there were some low-lying soybean fields showing pockets of stressed plants showing symptoms of root rot and a few instances where the plants have died. This has been a common observation of my past few reports in surrounding counties with differing levels of severity. In southern Vermilion County currently, crop loss appears to be lower than it is a bit further west and southwest. Most soybean fields I stopped at were at late R2 to early R3. Japanese beetles are easy to find in most fields, but defoliation levels were still well below threshold in fields I stopped at. Most corn was R1-R2, and as noted in Nick Seiter’s post, a few of the fields surveyed had corn leaf aphid colonies present.

Region 5
07/16/2024, Coles
Talon Becker

Compared to my last trip around Coles County at the end of May, conditions are considerably wetter now in mid-July with an estimated 5-6 inches of rain since the beginning of the month, according to the Midwest Regional Climate Center. Most fields are at or near water holding capacity, and although not widespread, standing water could be seen in areas of low-lying fields at the time of this survey (7/16). That said, much of the corn and soybean crop still looked healthy and will likely continue that way if the current forecast holds, and no significant rainfall is experienced in the area over the next 5-7 days. Most corn fields were at least showing tassels, and the most advanced fields were around R2. Most soybean fields are somewhere around R2-R3 with a few stragglers still in late vegetative or early reproductive stages. I saw one field of double-crop soybeans emerged and at V1-2. Insect damage still appears to be minimal, but Japanese beetles and some corresponding defoliation (< 5%) were seen in a number of soybean fields. Except for in the areas of standing water, disease symptoms were also minimal at the time of the survey. Although if wet conditions persist, that may change in the coming weeks.

Region 3
07/10/2024, Ford
Talon Becker

Most of the corn and soybean crop in Ford County is looking healthy after some needed rain from the remnants of Beryl, although it may have been a little more than ideal for a few fields. Low lying areas where farmers struggled getting a crop planted and established this spring once again have standing water. However, the extent of observed ponding was relatively minimal at the time of this survey, with most fields saturated but not too tacky when walking through. A small proportion of the corn fields are at R1, but most are still a leaf or two away from VT. There are also a handful of fields still in the V8-V10 stages. Soybeans ranged from V3/V4 to R2, with most fields showing at least a few flowers. Weed control looked good, overall, in corn. Soybean fields were more variable. With a few exceptions, most fields looked relatively clean from the road, but recently emerged waterhemp seedlings and/or escapes that were not controlled by herbicide applications could be found pretty easily when walking through a number of soybean fields.

Region 5
07/02/2024, Champaign
Talon Becker

I took a loop around northern Champaign County this week. With the exception of seed corn fields, all corn I saw was at least V7 or larger, with most in the V10-V12 range. Many fields are showing tassels, and I found one field at full R1 with silks emerged and pollen shedding. Soybeans were anywhere from recently emerged, generally in an apparent replant situation, to R2. Despite the wet conditions that caused these delayed plantings, conditions are now a bit on the dry side in that part of the county. Although not visible in every field, a good portion of the corn fields were showing some rolled leaves in the mid-afternoon heat. The issue was not widespread quite yet, and soil moisture could be found only a few inches deep in most fields I visited. But that said, I think most would welcome a nice 0.5-1 inch rain shower in the coming days.

Region 5
06/19/2024, Douglas
Talon Becker

The recent hot weather and relative lack of rain is starting to show in the corn and soybean fields in Douglas County. Estimates from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center show the county has received approximately 1 – 1.5 inches of rain since the first of the month, which is 1.5 – 2 inches below the 30-year average (1991 – 2020). Most corn fields I saw during my drive around the county in the early afternoon were showing some degree of drought stress with rolled leaves. More mature plants at V10+ were generally only showing rolled leaves near the top of the plant, while leaves on corn still in the V3-V6 were fully rolled up. I saw an even greater range in soybean growth stage across the county, with some fields recently emerged and still at VC while others were well into flowering with most plants at R2. Weed control was also variable. Although most fields looked relatively clean, I found a couple corn fields with heavy waterhemp pressure and even more soybean fields with well-established waterhemp, marestail, volunteer corn, and some morningglories starting to take off.

Region 5
06/12/2024, Champaign
Talon Becker

As is the story with much of the surrounding area, there have been a range of planting dates for row crop fields in Champaign County. In my loop through the southern half of the county, I saw a field that had just been planted within the last day or two as well as soybeans at the V3/4 stage and corn at V7/8. This range of plant maturity also exists within some fields, with replanted areas and other areas that were slowed in emergence and growth by standing water and/or saturated soils are pretty common across the county. The most advanced soybeans will likely be flowering soon, if not already. In the couple fields I stopped at, I couldn’t find an open flower quite yet. For corn, there was a good proportion of fields, maybe 20%, that are at V6 or later and really starting to take off. These plants will likely deal with the coming heat much better than those that are younger, smaller, and have less developed root systems. Hopefully, with how wet we have been in this area lately, most of those later planted fields will still have sufficient moisture available for these young plants as we get into the 90+ degree weather in the coming days.

Region 3
06/04/2024, Iroquois
Talon Becker

There is quite a bit of variability between fields in corn and soybean growth stage in Iroquois County. I saw very few unplanted fields, but there were several planted within the last few days an yet to emerge. The majority of corn observed was around the V2/V3 growth stage, with a few fields closer to V5/V6. Most soybeans were at late VC or early V1, but I found a few fields with most plants at V3/V4 plants and at least a couple plants at early R1. The few wheat fields I saw looked to be progressing well into senescence with minimal lodging at this point. Soil moisture conditions were generally good, with the occasional muddy spot visible in some fields. Some uneven emergence and uneven color, particularly in corn, was observed in these wetter fields, but these areas could still recover if they don’t get hit by too much rain in the near term.

Region 5
05/28/2024, Coles
Talon Becker

The crop in Coles County appears to be off to a good start. Of the fields observed during my transect of the county (5/28), I would estimate approximately 80-90% of fields had been planted, with 60-70% emerged. The majority of those emerged fields were still at early growth stages, but I did find a few corn fields at V4+. The little wheat I saw in the southwest portion of the county was starting to senesce. Soil conditions looked good. I did not see any water standing and only the occasional wet/muddy spot where the crop still looked healthy. These conditions also likely helped with applications of timely post-emergence weed control. I saw only a couple of fields that were in need of attention in that respect.

Region 5
05/21/2024, Douglas
Talon Becker

Field conditions around Douglas County during my transect on Tuesday (5/21) were quite variable. I saw several fields with pockets of standing water, some in emerged crop that will likely require replant. But then, a couple miles down the road, there were planters running and dust flying in the high winds that were experienced by much of the state that day. I would estimate that 60-70% of fields I observed were planted, with 30-40% emerged. Most emerged corn and soybeans were still at early stages, but I did come across a few V4/5 corn fields that were planted prior to our recent wet spell. The majority of unplanted fields, tilled and no-till (so far), with and without grass cover crops (primarily cereal rye), had a burndown application or a first spring tillage pass, but there were a few exceptions in some wetter areas. Post-emergence weed control will be needed soon in several fields.

Region 3
05/15/2024, Ford
Talon Becker

Like much of the state, conditions in Ford County are fairly wet. Standing water in fields was minimal, for the most part, most fields are at or near their holding capacity. During my transect of the southern half of the county, I saw very few emerged fields. The majority of fields are still yet to be planted, and many of those have not been sprayed or tilled yet this spring. I did see both corn and soybeans emerged in a couple fields, but still at VE/V1 and VC, respectively. There were several fields that had been recently planted prior to the last couple days of rain. Without too much more rain, those fields should come out of it okay, but that may not be in the cards, with some slight chances for rains in the local forecast over the next several days.