Stephanie Porter
Outreach Agronomist

Stephanie Porter
Outreach Agronomist


Region 4
07/20/2024, Montgomery
Stephanie Porter

April planted corn has fully pollinated. Both corn and soybeans have had fungicide and insecticide applications. The late May planted soybeans are not there yet and only at R2. Mid May soybeans have canopied. Stink bug feeding and bacterial leaf diseases showing up in corn. Could use more rain soon.

Region 4
07/08/2024, Montgomery
Stephanie Porter

A very, welcomed inch of rain came last week and crops have been relieved from drought stress. Even though the extreme heat has ceased, the humidity is high. Diseases such as Septoria brown spot in soybeans and gray leaf spot in corn have started to show on lower leaves. Japanese beetle feeding has increased. April planted corn is almost pollinated and soybeans are R3.

Region 4
07/01/2024, Montgomery
Stephanie Porter

There has been almost no rain for a month. Early planted corn is pollinating. Japanese beetle populations are building and more being in field edges. Mid-May planted soybeans are just R1 and recently had a post herbicide application. The only disease found on corn was Physoderma brown spot. No fungicide needed or applied. Fingers crossed for some rain in the coming week.

Region 7
06/20/2024, Jefferson
Stephanie Porter

Hot and dry! Soybean quickly approaching R2 with some very, healthy, waterhemp that survived the last herbicide application. No disease, deer feeding in patches, and slight insect pressure.

Region 4
06/13/2024, Christian
Stephanie Porter

No rain in the last few weeks and the heat has started. Corn is at V8 and V6 growth stages. Soybeans are at R1, V2/V3, and VC. No pests or diseases found. Sulfur deficiency showing in V6 corn with weaker root systems. Waterhemp breaking through in V2/V3 soybeans.

Region 4
06/06/2024, Christian
Stephanie Porter

The last field planted a week ago is up and soybean populations look good. Post Herbicide going on R1 soybeans before more rain in the forecast. Some morningglory and waterhemp escapes after post herbicide in corn. Bacterial blight coming on strong in R1 soybeans and Anthracnose blight as well as common rust starting to show up on lower leaves in V7 corn. No major insect issues besides scattered stinkbug injury in corn.

Region 4
05/29/2024, Christian
Stephanie Porter

If you stop and listen, you can hear the corn (and soybeans) growing. April planted corn is V6, April planted beans are V3, May planted corn is V3, May planted soybeans are VC. No weeds thanks to a post herbicide spray and some side dressing Nitrogen. Minor bean leaf beetle feeding on soybeans.

Region 4
05/18/2024, Christian
Stephanie Porter

The heat has the early April planted crops growing fast. The corn has grown 2 growth stages in a week. Weeds are also coming on strong in the corn and it was just sprayed with post herbicides. The soybeans remained clean. The wet holes in soybeans that were replanted on Mother’s Day have already emerged. No signs of disease or pests. Many had a chance to get in the field again.

Region 4
05/10/2024, Christian
Stephanie Porter

We are just about dry enough to begin fieldwork (again) on Mother’s Day weekend. Morningglory showed up in corn after last week’s report. Soybeans are clean. Only one cutworm moth was caught in trap and a few corn plants had wireworm injury. Next up will be spotting in soybeans in drowned out areas of various fields.

Region 5
04/23/2024, Montgomery
Stephanie Porter

There is a lot of fieldwork going on including planting. It is very, important to be on the lookout and cautious when driving because of the high number of farm equipment moving about the countryside. We are hoping to miss the rain today (if possible) to have a wider planting window, which has not been possible the last several weeks due to rain. I have been finding 3 to 7 black cutworm moths as well as 1 armyworm moth in traps this past week.