Emily Unglesbee

Weed Management in Double Crop Soybeans

Double the crop, half the weed control – that’s part of the allure of following wheat harvest with a second planting of soybeans. However, this approach involves different weed spectrums, residual herbicide timing decisions, and spray cut-off dates to consider.

By |June 19, 2024|

Using Drones for Weed Management

In this GROW Farmer Forum, panelists led a discussion of the current state of drone scouting, mapping and herbicide applications for weed management, as well as the future of the technology. Dr. Steve Li, of Auburn University, served as the moderator, alongside panelist Rick Jordan, of CNY Drone Services.

By |April 26, 2024|

A Look at Planter Adjustments for Planting into Cover Crops

Harborview Farms have spent a decade experimenting with different corn and soybean planter set-ups to successfully plant green into varying stands of cover crops each spring. Watch the video to explore the various components integrated into their planters, such as roller crimpers, row cleaners, gauge wheels, closing wheels, and more.

By |April 8, 2024|
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