Anne Dorrance

Seed treatments for watermolds and fungi that affect soybean in Ohio

This article originally appeared in the C.O.R.N. Newsletter. The original article can be found here. There are some new fungicide seed treatments and an updated efficacy chart from the North Central Extension Research Committee, my soybean colleagues across the region. We look at all of our results across our trials and make modifications to this list. The table is posted here. (Printable PDF-Management of Soybean Seedling Diseases Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Soybean Seedling Diseases – January 2017) Seeds planted into cool or warm wet soil are vulnerable to infection from a number of different pathogens. Ohio’s poorly drained [...]

By |February 3, 2017|

Disease Management: Host Resistance to Soybean Diseases – The Best Return on Investment

The first and most economical approach (a.k.a. save money) to manage many of the pathogens that impact soybean in the state of Ohio is to pick varieties that have the right resistance package. If the resistance is effective – then there is no need for any further measures during the season. The soybean plant can take care of itself, especially during years when conditions are favorable for disease development. We routinely use both resistant and susceptible varieties/germplasm in our test locations. Germplasm are soybean lines that may have come from another country or are in the breeding pipeline of a [...]

By |May 20, 2016|

Disease Management: Mid-Season Soybean Diseases – What can we Predict?

This year, there is a very high degree of variability across the state with regards to soybean height, canopy coverage, and overall crop condition.  Accordingly, the USDA planting estimates reached 85 million acres of soybean and the prices of soybean, corn, and wheat were highlighted in the Wall Street Journal last week.  What to watch for now… Brown spot.  In all of our field plots this year, only one was no-till. This is the only one with high levels of brown spot, the unifoliates are plastered.  We have shown through 3 years of studies that brown spot typically only [...]

By |July 24, 2014|
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