The USDA Risk Management announced this summer that agricultural producers may have options for double crop soybeans (or other crops) insurance in counties where the “Following Another Crop” (FAC) practice in not available.


“In May, I joined President Biden at the O’Connor farm in Kankakee, Illinois, to announce a series of actions to help farmers do what they do — grow food for American families and the rest of the world. Today, USDA is making good on one of those commitments and making it easier to plant double crops and sharing some of the financial risk by making crop insurance more available in over 1,500 counties,” said Secretary Vilsack.”

What does this mean?

  • You may have the option to request coverage for soybeans planted after wheat (or another fall seeded crop) or double crop soybeans by applying for a written agreement though your crop insurance.
  • You also may have the option to request coverage for soybeans planted into wheat via a relay cropping practice. This is defined as a second-planted crop (“relay crop”) that is planted with a generally recognized seeding rate into an established crop (not a cover crop) and in a manner that allows “separate agronomic maintenance and harvest of the crops.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Why the written agreement?

The standardized or “Blanket Written” agreement is for producers in counties where double crop insurance coverage is not available and is an offer prebuilt by RMA that can be accessed by your crop insurance company. This provides insurance for your FAC soybeans without going through an extensive underwriting process.



When is the deadline?

The deadline to request coverage using the Blanket Written Agreement is the sales closing date of March 15, 2023.

And if you miss the deadline?

If you are requesting coverage for the first time, you may request a type/practice written agreement through your agent until the July 15th acreage reporting deadline.

Regional Specific Underwriting Guidance


Maps of Double Cropping Expansion

Additional resources released today by USDA include frequently asked questions as well as the Helping Farmers Address Global Food Insecurity webpage on


Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator. Producers can learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at



Cornbelt Update – 2.13.2023 by Stu Ellis

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About the Author: Stephanie Porter

As Outreach Agronomist for the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA), Stephanie supports research efforts and helps communicate both in-field and edge-of-field research and validation studies to Illinois 43,000 soybean farmers. She also helps lead the demonstration and adoption of conservation agriculture practices and raises awareness of best management and continuous improvement practices for conservation agriculture in Illinois. Stephanie has 23 years of experience that consists of agronomy, conservation, horticulture, plant diagnostics, and education. She has her bachelor’s in crop science and master’s in plant pathology from the University of Illinois. Stephanie is a Certified Crop Advisor and was named the 2018 Illinois Certified Crop Adviser Master Soybean Advisor. She also has experience with corn and soybean pathology research, crop scouting, soil testing, as well as crop consulting. Previously, she utilized her diagnostic training and collaborated with University of Illinois departmental Extension Specialists to diagnose plant health problems and prepare written responses describing the diagnosis and management recommendations as the University of Illinois Plant Clinic.

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