Last month’s ILSoyAdvisor “Quick Poll” asked about your soybean planting intentions for 2014. We’ve tallied the votes, and results reflect recent estimates from the USDA: more soybeans this year.


According to its prospective plantings report released March 31, the USDA estimates a record high of 81.5 million planted soybean acres in 2014—a 6 percent increase from 2013. The report also forecasts a 4 percent reduction in corn planted overall. An anticipated 9.5 million acres of soybeans will be planted in Illinois this spring (an increase of 1% from 2013).

Why more soybeans? Farm Futures’ Bob Burgdorfer speculates: “A shift to soybeans from corn had been expected as prices favored the oilseed. Also, farmers have aggressively planted corn in recent years and the need for crop rotation should prompt more soybeans.”

Top Soy State Last Year

In 2013, Illinois regained the title of top soybean-producing state for the first time since 2003. Illinois farmers raised 460.6 million bushels of soybeans in 2013 on 9.4 million acres, an average yield of 49 bushels per acre.

Now well into April, Illinois farmers are anxious for planting to begin. We want to know how conditions are shaping up in your area. Do you expect to plant soybeans before April 20, between April 20 and April 30 or after May 1? Head over to the latest “Quick Poll” (scroll to the bottom of the home page) and tell us: “When will you start planting soybeans?”

Wishing you a safe and successful growing season.

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