Better Beans

The Better Beans series, hosted by the Illinois Soybean Association (ISA), took place across the state of Illinois in January. Growers geared up for the 2024 growing season by attending a half-day Better Beans event in their respective areas. The ISA Agronomy Team, along with university researchers and agronomy experts, provided regional insights on various topics, including conquering weed challenges, disease management, and optimizing soil health. Attendees stayed updated on the latest developments in soybean agronomy, sustainable production, and agribusiness management.


THURSDAY, JAN. 11, 2024
7 AM – 12:30 PM
Illinois Soybean Association
1108 Trinity Lane
Bloomington, IL

THURSDAY, JAN. 18, 2024
7 AM – 12:30 PM
Rend Lake Event Center
Rend Lake College
468 N Ken Gray Parkway
Ina, IL

THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 2024
7 AM – 12:30 PM
Deer Valley Banquets
3298 Hoover Road
Deer Grove, IL

How to Self-Report for Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) CEU’s for Better Beans

  1. Go to Home | Certified Crop Adviser
  2. Click on “Self-Report CEU’s” in the menu and complete the log-in.
  3. This will take you directly to a CEU Reporting form that will require a meeting title (ISA Soybean Summit – presentation title), city (Champaign), state (IL), Sponsoring organization (ISA), and meeting date (Feb. 1st, 2024). Other information that is optional is speaker name/contact information, competency areas, and number of CEU’s.
  4. Click on “Submit and Enter Additional” or “Submit and Done” button.
  5. Once you have submitted your CEUs please check your CEU statement to ensure they have been added to your account.
  6. Please keep any supporting documentation (e.g. agendas, certificates) for your records in the event you are selected for an audit.

We would like to thank the 2024 Event Sponsors

Soil and Water Outcomes Fund