Soil Sampling

Plant and Soil Health: Webinar: Soil Sampling to Plan for High Yield Soybeans

Soil sampling is an integral part of a strong soybean management program, according to Andy Wycislo, Midwest region agronomist for Waypoint Analytical. Illinois is made up of a variety of different soils, and each type of soil has different characteristics that influence the success of the crops that grow in it. Soil sampling can indicate what the soil needs and doesn’t need, and growers can learn how to get the most out of each growing season by learning more about the soils on their farm. Key Takeaways: Consistency is key for taking soil samples. Make sure all samples are at [...]

By |August 31, 2016|

Agronomy: Soil Sampling

Hopefully there are no soybeans still in the field at this point in Illinois. Even the double crop soybeans should be out by now. So soybean management is done for the season. And while you might thinking of heading south to sunny shores for the winter, take some time to start preparing for 2016. Setting the stage for yield really begins with the soil—which begins with soil sampling and a measurement of soil health. Fall is the time to pull soil samples. Soil is fit for sampling and you can make applications of dry materials without compacting the soil. A [...]

By |November 19, 2015|

Plant & Soil: New ‘Focus on Soybean’ Webcast Teaches Soil Sampling Techniques to Increase Yield

Soil sampling is critical to ensuring adequate levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as managing soil PH. The payoff: achieving good nodulation and, in turn, high yields. The latest ‘Focus on Soybean’ presentation, titled “Soil Sampling to Make Fertilizer Recommendations” by Dave Mengel, Professor of Agronomy at Kansas State University, covers the ins and outs of soil sampling, from the process itself to interpreting data from the testing lab. In this talk, Mengel discusses: Where to take samples in a field How many cores are needed to make a good composite sample What depth the sample and [...]

By |April 9, 2015|

Insects: Spring Soil Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematodes

This article originally appeared in University of Missouri’s Integrated Pest & Crop Management Newsletter and has been reposted with permission. Information on where to submit Missouri soil samples has been omitted. Soybeans planting is just weeks away, and it is important that you test your fields for Soybean Cyst Nematodes (SCN) now before planting. SCN is a major concern to growers throughout the state. These parasitic round worms invade the plant roots and suck nutrients from the plants, decreasing their ability to produce adequate yields. The challenge with preventing SCN is that infected plants do not easily express symptoms. Fields can [...]

By |April 23, 2014|
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