Andy Fordice

Corn or Soybeans? How to Choose Your Most Profitable Crop for 2021

For years, corn has led in profitability, making corn-on-corn a top contender for many U.S. farmers. With soybeans rallying at the close of 2020, many farmers were left wondering: Would I make more profit in 2021 with soybeans on my undecided acres? But crop prices aren't the only factor that determine profitability. Farmers must also consider potential yield penalties and increased expenses related to continuous cropping. To help farmers in the corn vs. soybean debate, Granular's Data Science team created a proprietary Corn vs. Soybeans Calculator. This one-of-a-kind crop rotation analysis tool accounts for best-in-class data on all these [...]

By |January 19, 2021|
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